What is the Lions Club?
Lions International was founded in Chicago Illinois USA in 1917 by insurance agent Melvin Jones and business colleagues. Now there are 1.4 million members in 194 countries around the world, active in 44,000 communities around the globe and, in the British Isles, Lions has in excess of 20,000 members helping with local and international causes, individuals and organisations

Bognor Regis Lions Club had its first meeting in October 1965 and the Charter was presented to the club at the beginning of March 1966. One of the original members are still with the club 44 years later!

Our motto “We Serve” is as relevant today as it was some 64 years ago.
About the Bognor Club
Over the past 57 years, Bognor Regis Lions have raised in excess of £3 million, the majority of which has been given to local causes. The raising of this money has been possible due to the generosity of Bognor’s residents and visitors and, as the Lions administration expenses are met from members’ subscriptions, all donations from the public go to charitable causes.
The funds are raised by a variety of events such as the Hotham Park Country Fayre, Father Christmas in various places, Folk Festival and various club social events to which guests are welcome. Monies raised recently have been donated to St Wilfrid’s Hospice, Macmillan Nurses, Snowdrop Trust and lots to local people in need to name but a few.
There are parcels at Christmas for people in, as well as support for youngsters through character building trips and sponsorship. The Bognor Regis Lions Club gives every request consideration. The Lions International work consists of sight conservation, diabetes and the blood research appeal (LIBRA), plus global disasters.
In our club there are around 12 members, men and women, working and retired. Membership is by invitation but there are no restrictions, all you need is the will to help others who might need it. Men and women who live in the community are in the best position to know who needs help and why. There is also the lighter side to the club, which has a very active and varied programme of social events throughout the year with the emphasis on fun.
The subscriptions are modest. There are monthly business meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month held at the Robin Hood Hotel at 8 pm, earlier if you would like to have a meal, plus social meetings, also committee meetings, again usually monthly, depending on the committee to which you are attached. The club turns out in force for fundraising events as many hands make light work.
There are social events held by other clubs in the area, and wherever you go there is another club full of like-minded people. The Bognor Regis club is twinned with Marburg Lions in Germany and the clubs visit each other on alternate years. In 2019 this twinning celebrated 38 years, a remarkable achievement, and many friendships have been formed over this period.
If you are interested in joining Bognor Regis Lions Club or would like further information please contact us, either through the website or by coming along to a monthly meeting, as mentioned above, to find out more.